SAINTLY THOUGHTS: “Unfurl the sails and let God steer us where He will.” ( St. Bede )
“In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abando ship but to keep her on her course.” ( St. Boniface ).
JUBILEE YEAR: St. Mary's is the designated church for this part of the Archdiocese. Indulgences may be gained. Best time to go is during Mass time when the church is open.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME: Our children seem to be trying hard to learn the various parts of the Course, and we are grateful to the families for their support.
NEWSLETTER: If you want anything to go on the Newsletter please see any one of the Perkins Family.
READERS: Extra Readers would be nice, and a few men/young men would be a bonus.
CRIB COMES DOWN: Today in church and in your homes.
SPECIAL COLLECTION: For the Holy Ghost Fathers. Please be generous. They are giving us lots of extra priests to help us at the moment, and so they deserve our support.
PAPAL INTENTIONS FEBRUARY: for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Let us pray that the religious community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ's mission in the priesthood and religious life.
ARCHBISHOP MALCOLM: Sends you his Blessings and good wishes. Always fond memories of his visit here.
JACK TRAYNOR: Most of you will not know that Jack was cured at Lourdes in 1923 when he was on one of the first Archdiocesan Pilgrimages. He went out on a stretcher with severe injuries and walked off the train at Lime Street on his return to Liverpool. Archbishop Malcolm has declared it an official Miracle and there is a Mass of Celebration at the Cathedral later on in the month. I will talk to to the children at Mass on Wednesday, 12th. February about our “Liverpool Miracle Man.”
DAILY PEACE ROSARY: Yes, we are still saying it!!!
CHORLEY FOOD BANK: I am afraid that this is an on-going missionary activity.
BISHOP GREGORI: Is now back in the Ukraine after a good and peaceful rest.
Since last July you have donated £1236. He is soooooo grateful.
Fr. Peter Charles Crowther, obl.sbso | The Presbytery, Bury Lane, Withnell, Chorley, PR6 8SD | Tel 01254 830 995 | Archdiocese of Liverpool 1199714
© 2025 St Joseph's Catholic Church, Withnell. All Rights Reserved.
Please pray for Pope Francis and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon
Archdiocese of Liverpool 1199714
Registered Charity 1199714
DIRECT DEBIT MANDATE: During the Lockdown, we still need to keep our Parish funds afloat. You can use the Direct Debit Mandate. Download the Form and fill it in and then send it to your Bank. Make sure you put the Parish number 102 on the Form and the Account Number. Let Kath Clemson know any change of amount so that she can adjust the Gift Aid Records. You can get Kath on 01254 831 624. Download form here!
Parish Priest
Bury Lane
Tel: 01254 830 995
Catechist/Safeguarding: Kate Perkins
The Moorland Sanctuary
Hand in hand with Jesus
Priests and Deacons of the Archdiocese whose anniversaries are about now, together with Herbert Trencher, Robert Woolridge, Catherine Kelly, Margaret McDonagh, Esther Grime, John Miller, Eileen Jones, Jack Walsh, Paul Wallace, Frances Wilson, Francis Miller, Peter Turner, Stephen Yates, Bill Hurst, Teresa Vernon, Andrew Ingham,
Archbishop Patrick Kelly, Ian Davies, Rachel Mason, Ray Salmon and others.
- Saturday: St. Josephine Bakhita
- Friday 9.00am: Jane Mary Gilbertson (Thank you )
- Saturday 10.00am: Exposition
- Sunday 9th. February 10.00am: Peter & Eva Anderson
- Monday: St. Blaise
- Thursday: St. Paul & Co.
- Sunday 10.00am: Glenys Atkinson
- Wednesday 9.00am: Pious List
- Thursday 9.00am: Charles & Kathleen Crowther